Our offer - ace4rail.

Lease your passenger train.

All over Europe.

Attractive rates.

Our rates are based on long-term depreciation - and are therefore attractive for you.

Remain flexible.
You remain flexible thanks to clearly limited contract durations. Afterwards, extend or return the train - guaranteed.
You can invest your funds into other core tasks, you only pay for your trains with ace4rail from the start of the contract.

Our rates are transparent and include monthly inclusive kilometres. Always included are: Maintenance, insurance and the 6 ace4rail guarantees.

Your benefits.

Be faster & better.

ace4rail enables its customers to react quickly and target-oriented to the market.
To this end, we offer our customers numerous advantages.


... No investment in new vehicles necessary.
... No additional debt.

Better fit.

No long-term liabilities.
Fitting duration of contract

Hit the spot.

Keep the focus on on your core business.
ace4rail takes care of your vehicles.

Strategic Flexibility.

React promptly to changes in the market. Be ready to the unpredictable.

Operational flexibility. 

In addition, be able to react operationally with the flexibly deployable vehicle concept.

Technical flexibility:

Be able to provide the right technical solution for your market in each case.


ace4rail works with renowned customers and suppliers on the basis of long-term partnerships.
To this end, we provide our customers with extensive guarantees for continuously high operating quality.

Cost transparency guarantee.

Transparent cost structure, insurance included, invoicing when service is offered.

Availability guarantee.

for "immediate" provision; all registrations, licences, SIM cards included.

«Europe guarantee».

for cross-border connections.

Reliability guarantee.

including hotline & ECM-certified maintenance, also corrective maintenance.

Take-back guarantee.

after the end of the contract.

Maintenance guarantee.

with "24/7" spare parts warehouse & mobile operations team.

ace4rail area of operations.

"All over Europe."

ace4rail passenger trains are designed for use on the European standard gauge network (1 435 mm) with a G1 loading gauge. The potential area of operation is highlighted in blue on the map.